Spring is a great time to replace your old, failing furnace. You have plenty of time to shop around for the perfect unit since you don't need to worry about home heating for a while, which ensures you can find the best unit for your needs. Knowing what questions to ask of your installation company can make the whole process even simpler.
Is cleanup included with the installation quote?
Replacing a furnace can be a dirty job.
The only thing worse than allergy season is suffering allergies even when you are sealed up inside your home. The culprit of indoor seasonal allergies might be your air conditioner. Fortunately, with proper maintenance and upkeep, your AC unit can actually help keep you more comfortable during allergy season by turning your home into a dust- and pollen-free oasis.
1. Utilize MERV Rating Guidelines
Every AC unit has an air filter, and most allergy sufferers are very good at replacing the filter often to help minimize airborne dust and pollen.
When you start up your air conditioner at home, you expect to feel cold air flowing through your vents to help your home feel more comfortable. You do not expect to smell an odd odor from those vents as well. Odors related to your air conditioner are definitely something to be concerned about, and they are often caused by some common issues that can be fixed. Here is what you need to know about odors, their causes, and how to fix them.
When you buy a new air conditioning unit, it's best to have the unit installed by professionals only. Doing so ensures that the unit is easier to maintain and is put in correctly, which can be more of a benefit to you down the line than you may realize. When you do your part to ensure your air conditioner is installed in a proper way, you help to protect the unit's warranty -- if it has one -- as well as other things.